Campaign Rules

Campaign Rules

A.                INTRODUCTION

The game will end on a number of conditions.  Automatic victory is achieved by the capture of nine of your opposing alliance's cities.  Otherwise the game ends after 24 turns and victory is determined on points.


Often during the game, especially as the result of each turn is published, there will appear to happen, various things that players may believe to be unfair, arbitrary, wrong, misinterpreted or just plain dumb. While the umpire will gladly look at any situation that a player thinks was not handled correctly, and fix any mistakes that are made, this will not always be the case. Often these aren't actually mistakes, just unintended consequences and are just part of the Fog of War. Remember, you as the player are taking the role of the Head of State. You can issue orders to your subordinates, including company commanders, but sometimes these guys aren't going to do what you wanted or intended. The Fog of War and human factor, both good and bad, are inevitable parts of life and combat and that is true even in a fantasy world.


Shortly after the Orders are all received by the Umpire, the results for the turn will be determined. These results will then be posted on the Webpage and an email announcement will be sent out that Preliminary Results have been posted. Any player may send an email to the Umpire questioning or challenging any of the results. However, any question or challenge must be received by the Umpire within 24-hours of announcing that the Preliminary Results have been posted. At the expiration of the 24-hour time period the results will be Official and not subject to challenge.

D.                GAME TURNS

The game is a maximum of 24 turns.  There is no set amount of time that passes each turn.  The passage of time is determined by the Random Event Roll.  On a "Change of Season" event, time advances on the bases of the seasons. If the current turn is Spring, and a "Change of Season" event occurs, the next turn will be Summer. It would then remain Summer until the next "Change of Season" event occurs.

E.                 FREE KRIEGSPEIL

Free wargaming is based on the kriegspiel concept created by Lt Gorg von Reisswitz of the Prussian Army in 1824 and later institutionalized by Helmuth von Moltke, Sr., Chief of the Prussian General Staff.

The first principal of the game system, the driving force behind the game, is the imposition of a neutral Umpire or Game Master to adjudicate and manage the game.  The Umpire monitors all movement, determines battle results and interprets all rules.
The second principal applied is "fog of war." In this game each players sees only his forces and is given only a vague view of the opposing forces in the Intel Update.  More detailed information is available through direct contact of forces or inter-player diplomacy.

The third principal is the Orders writing process.  Here we see the benefit of the human computer that is the Umpire.  If you write detailed orders they can be interpreted by the Umpire.  For instance, if you give the order to assault a city only if you have 4:1 odds and otherwise lay siege to the city, then these orders can be carried out (subject to whatever orders your enemy may have given to his forces).  The orders given may be as detailed or sparse as the players choose.  In short, if the orders are legal (not in violation of the side limits or movement restrictions) and make sense to the Umpire then you are good to go.  This flexibility is often misunderstood and causes players to sometimes lose track of how the game is played.  It can be frustrating, especially if orders are not interpreted as intended, but add to the overall all appeal to the game system.

F.                 OBJECTIVES & VICTORY

The game ends at the conclusion of the 24th turn, or when a single player captures half of the other players' capitals (10RP supply centers), or an alliance of no more than three (3) players captures three-quarters of the other players' capitals.

If, on the conclusion of the 24th turn, no player or alliance has achieved automatic victory, the winner is the player with the highest Prestige.

G.                PRESTIGE

1.                  Each turn, players receive Prestige equal to their total resources points of all captured supply centers.  Players also receive Prestige as follows:

Winning a battle which eliminates the entire enemy army:   +2
Winning a battle:  +1

Capture of a general:  +1
Capture enemy Baggage:  +1

For each Place of Power controlled:  +1
Gift Giving:  +1 per RP (representing gifts distributed amongst your followers and retainers)

            Subtract from your Prestige the total value of resource points of all of your home cities and towns which are occupied by enemy forces.
Subtract from your Prestige the total value of resource points of all of your home cities and towns which have been razed by enemy forces this turn.

2.                  At the end of each turn Prestige is calculated for each player.  The Resource Points received by each player are then adjusted equal to the change in prestige.  (i.e., an gain of 10 prestige will increase RP for the turn by 10%, a loss of 10 prestige will decrease RP for the turn by 10%).  The Player with the greatest Prestige also receives a 10% bonus in Resource Points.

3.                  If your Prestige ever falls to 0, you are a pariah and cannot form any alliances and your armies may not join as allies any other players' armies in battle.

H.                DIPLOMACY

Alliances may be made or broken at will.


1.                  HEXES

The map is divided into hexes which govern the location and movement of units. The sides of the hexes may restrict movement.  Hexes are approximately 12 miles (20km) across, making the map area roughly 600 miles (North-South) by 500 miles (East-West).

2.                  SUPPLY CENTERS

Many spaces have supply centers designated with a city or town. These are supply centers.  Any force which is within 3 hexes of a city is in supply.  Certain cities are designated major supply centers.  All others are minor supply centers.  All cities and towns are fortified and provide a +1 battle modifier on defense.

Nomad Kingdoms do not have "cities" rather; they have "camps."  The locations of Nomad Camps are specifically reported on each turn's intelligence report.  Nomad Camps may move up to 3 hexes per turn at a cost of 1 AP; however, they do not have to move every turn.  If occupied by enemy forces they are destroyed.
Castles.  Castles are built-up areas which provide a +2 battle modifier on defense.  A Castle may be constructed by an engineer BG at a cost of 20 RP.

Order of Battle / Turn Sequence.

1.                  Resource points from last turn are converted to AP or VP.

2.                  Purchase and deploy Battlegroups

3.                  Sea Movement and Combats

4.                  Land Movement (Simultaneous.  However, initiative determined by Number of actions spent; Time and Date of submission of orders; Umpire determination)

5.                  Land Combats are resolved

6.                  Post Combat Movement and secondary battles (retreat, breakthrough-exploitation or counterattack) determined by Umpire from battle results.

7.                  Change of possession of cities determined.  Resource points calculated.  O/Bs updated.

8.                  Random Events rolled.

Your Starting Forces

1.                  Each player starts with $18,000 Points to purchase their starting forces.  Players must purchase HQs/Generals, Battlegroups and Ships.  As an alternative to purchasing BGs and Ships, players may hire mercenaries during the course of the game.  (See section U.2. below.)


1.                  Armies.  Armies are formed around Headquarters or Generals.  An ARMY is any combination of up to 12 Battle Groups under the command of one HQ/General.

2.                  Armies are moved by spending 2, 3 or 4 AP depending on the HQ/General type in command. The maximum movement distance of any ARMY is that of the slowest Battle Group in the ARMY. However, all Battlegroups may move individually. 

3.                  HQ/Generals.  Players may purchase any number or type of generals.  There is no restriction on the numbers of generals by type which may be purchased.  i.e. you can have 2 great captains.

4.                  Each HQ/General has a different characteristic which has some effect on the game. Generals have a base cost of $100 which is modified by the characteristics modifier.  A general may have more than one characteristic, in which case the modifiers are cumulative.  (i.e. a charismatic, great captain costs $2,000.  $100 x 4 x 5 = $2,000.)

AP to move Army
Great Captain (gc)
+1 Battle Modifier in all battles
x 5
Charismatic (c)
+1 morale to Army Morale
x 4
Magic User (mu)
May use Magic
x 4
Strategist (s)
+1 battle modifier in Field Battle
x 3
Engineer (e)
+1 battle modifier in Siege Battle
x 3
Aide de Camp (ade)
Doubles the permitted size of the army for stacking.  -1 battle modifier if in battle on independent command
x 2
Navigator (n)
+1 battle modifier in Sea Battles
x 2
Maneuver (m)
Increase movement of army by 1 hex
x 1.25
Valorous (v)
+10 to the Army Combat Value
x 1.25
Horseman (h)
+1 combat value to all cavalry units
x 1.25
Attritionist (w)
+1 modifier to defense; doubles losses to both sides
x 1.25
Commander (x)
No modifier
x 1
Berserker (b)
x2 Army Combat Value, -1 Battle Modifier and takes double losses
x 0.75
Vainglorious (g)
+1 morale if alone, otherwise -1 morale
x 0.75
Plodder (p)
No modifier
x 0.50
Fop (f)
-1 to army morale
x 0.25

Movement of HQ/General without an ARMY.  HQ/Generals may move independently at the cost of 1 AP up to 24 hexes without regard to terrain.  This includes the ability to cross water, or restrictions due to mountains or swamps.

B.                 BATTLE GROUPS

1.                  Combat Units.  Land Units are Battlegroups representing 300 to 1200 men/aliens/beasts.  Artillery represents batteries of 1 to 6 guns.  War Machines and aircraft re Units are Squadrons of 1 to 3 machines.

2.                  Type: General classification of the unit –

(a)                Light infantry.  Fifty to one hundred loose order troops.  Often armed with bows, javelins or slings.

(b)               Heavy infantry.  One to two hundred close order troops.

(c)                Light cavalry.  Approximately fifty light horse or other animals such as fast flightless birds or bipedal lizards armed with missile weapons.

(d)               Heavy cavalry.  Approximately one hundred heavily armored or magically protected warriors on heavy horses, or equivalent riding animals or chariots who charge into combat.

(e)                Artillery.  Three to six torsion, primitive gunpowder, or magical artillery.

(f)                Beasts.  Packs of carnivores with no armament other than tooth and claw, such as hunting dogs, wolves, hellhounds, with or without huntsmen, riders or handlers.

(g)               Behemoth.  One to six ground creatures or machines of exceptional size and physical or magical strength, such as giants, afreets, ogres, elephants or mammoths etc.

(h)               Dragon.  Large, intelligent armored flying creatures.

(i)                 Flyer.  Includes ridden or intelligent winged creatures, such as winged horses, giant birds or pterosaurs.

(j)                 Horde.  Massive numbers of ill-formed rabble.

(k)               Subterrain.  Burrowing monsters.

(l)                 Ship.  Squadron of three or four sea going vessels.  All ships may transport two Battlegroups.

(m)             Hero.  Those charismatic individual champions who are nearly unbeatable in hand-to-hand
combat by mortal men.  This represents the Hero and his Companions.

(n)               Magician.  Wizards and other magic using individuals or cabals.

(o)               Harbringer.  A supernatural avatar or champion of the "gods."

3.                  Morale Rating.  Each combat unit has a morale rating of 1 to 6, 6 representing the best troops, 1 the worst.  The morale rating for an "army" is the average of all Battle Groups.

4.                  Combat Value.  This is the combat power of the Battlegroup.

5.                  Move.  This is the maximum distance in hexes that the Battlegroup may move.

6.                  Strength.  This represents the number of Step Losses each Battlegroup may sustain before
being eliminated.

7.                  Cost.  This is the cost to purchase one battlegroup.

8.                  Special.  Battlegroups with special characteristics are noted.  i.e. Scout, or restrictions on number of Battlegroups allowed.

(a)                Engineer – allows army to cross rivers at any point and rebuild razed cities, towns and fortresses.  For each engineer present, one additional BG may cross the river and continue movement.

(b)               Scout – scouting advantage.

(c)                Support attack – battlegroup may add its attack/defense value to a combat without directly taking part.  This means that the BG's cv is added to the army total, but not counted towards stacking.  The BG will not suffer any step losses if the battle is won.  If forced to retreat, the BG will suffer step losses as normal.

(d)               First Strike – BGs with first strike have an exceptional long-range attack (e.g. dragon's fiery breath, elven archers, heavy artillery, etc.).  Before the battle starts add the combat values (attack or defense as appropriate) of all BGs with first strike.  Roll 2 dice on the First Strike table.

First Strike Effects: Roll 2 dice (multiply % by total CV for step losses)

% hits

(e)                Fanatic – fanatic BGs will charge into combat at the front of the army ahead of any other troops.  Therefore, all step losses sustained in the battle will be taken by the fanatics before applying losses to any other BGs.

(f)                Terrifying – an army with terrifying BGs will cause the opposing army to make a morale check.  That army must roll less than its modified morale on 2d6.  To determine the modified morale, compare the number of BGs in the army to the number of enemy terrifying BGs, if greater than or equal then add 1; if twice in number, add 2; if three times in number add 3; and so on.  If the army fails its morale test, it suffers a -1 battle modifier.

(g)               Steadfast – Each steadfast BG negates an enemy Terrifying unit.

(h)               Poison Gas – before combat, roll 1 die.  On a 1-4, -1 battle modifier to the enemy; on a "5" no effect; and on a "6" the poison gas blows back on your own forces with a -1 battle modifier shift.

(i)                 Shock – All BGs with Shock gain a +1 CV when on the attack.

(j)                 Shieldwall – All BGs with Shieldwall gain a +1 CV when on defense.

(k)               Transport – All ships may transport two battlegroups.

C.                MOVEMENT

All movement is simultaneous. However, when order of movement issues arise, the player with the highest numbered Actions has the initiative.  All Armies and Fleets may pass freely through friendly forces, but must stop and fight when they move into a hex containing enemy force.  Armies and Fleets may move up to their maximum movement allowance of the slowest unit in the Army/Fleet.

1.                  Action Points.  Action points are spent to move Battlegroups and Armies.  It costs 1 AP to move 1 Battlegroup.  Armies cost 2, 3 or 4 AP to move depending on the HQ/General type.

2.                  Land Movement Side Limits. The maximum number of Battle Groups each player can move from one space to another depends on the terrain making up the territory which the unit is moving in to.

Once the maximums are met for any side, it is closed to movement by that player and his allies this Game Turn. Side limits are applied to each player or alliance, meaning more than one player (if they are enemies) may move nine BATTLEGROUPS across the same Clear Side in one Game turn.
(a)                Clear/farmland terrain (Level 1 – light green): 4
(b)               Forest/Swamp (Level 1 – dark green): 1   (ARMIES and Battlegroups crossing into Swamps must stop all movement.)

(c)                Highlands (Level 2 – light brown): 12

(d)               Mountains (Level 3 – medium brown): 3

(e)                High Mountains (Level 4 – dark brown): Impassable to ground units

(f)                Mountain Peaks (Level 5 – beige/grey): Impassable to all units

(g)               Desert/Wasteland (ochre): 12

(h)               Rivers: ARMIES or Battlegroups must stop whenever they come to a river, unless moving along a Road, or there is a city, town or fortress located at the crossing point, or they have engineers present. 

(i)                 Crossing Contour levels: Any Army/BG that crosses a contour level, either going up or down, must spend 2 movement points to do so.

(j)                 Roads:  Movement along a road has no hex side limit.

(k)               Note that a single HQ/General may command no more than 12 BGs in a single ARMY.

3.                  Boarding a Transport. A Transport may move 1 BG per strength point of the Transport Unit. All BGs and the Transport must begin the turn in the same location/hex before movement.  A Transport may drop-off BGs along its movement route but may not pick up BGs.  Armor and Aircraft Transport Battlegroups may only transport Infantry.  Ship Transports and Prime Movers may transport any type of BG.

4.                  Air Movement. There are no side limits on Air Movement.

5.                  Naval Movement.  There are no side limits on Naval Movement.  Naval movement is unlimited.  However, roll for success of any naval movement based on the distance traveled.  Add the total number of coastal hexes traveled and five (5) times the number of sea hexes traveled, and then roll two dice on the Naval Movement table.   Distance Traveled = 1/coastal hex + 5/sea hex.  A Fleet may be given orders to patrol the sea area adjacent to its "home" port in which case the distance traveled is <20.  The distance travelled is doubled in Winter.  Tripled in Fimbulvetr.

Dice Roll
Successful Voyage
Off Course
Successful Voyage
Off Course
Successful Voyage
Off Course
Successful Voyage
Off Course
Off Course
Disaster: All ships lost at sea

Successful Voyage: All ships make it to the destination port with no mishap.
Off Course: The Fleet is blown off course and makes landfall at a random location.
Lost: The Fleet is lost at sea.  Roll again next turn.
Disaster: All ships lost at sea:  The entire fleet disappears without a trace.

6.                  Stacking. No more than 12 BATTLEGROUPS may occupy one space.  However, a player may choose to over-stack a hex.  Any force that exceeds the stacking limit will suffer a negative battle modifier in combat.  Allied BGs are added together to determine the number of BGs present for stacking limits.

Number of Battlegroups present
1 to 12
No modifier
13 to 24
-1 battle modifier
25 to 48
-2 battle modifier
-3 battle modifier

7.                  Force March.  A BG or Army may be forced marched allowing it to move additional hexes in excess of its movement limit.  Any BG that conducts a force march suffers 1 step loss per extra hex moved.

8.                  Capturing territory. In order to capture a city you must have at least one BATTLEGROUP occupying it at the end of the turn. You cannot capture an Objective by moving through it.  In order to maintain control of the city you must maintain a minimum of 1 BG present as an occupying force.  Once you move all forces out of the city it will revert to the original controlling player’s possession.

A.                Razing Cities. Any city, town or fortress occupied by your forces may be razed. This costs 1 Action Point, and a BG/Army may only raze one (1) city, town or fortress per turn.  A BG/Army may move into a city and raze it but may not continue its movement.  Any city or town which has been razed does not produce resource points, and cannot be used for supply purposes or be counted for victory points.  A razed fortress provides no defensive bonus.  A razed city, town or fortress may be rebuilt by an engineer unit at a cost of 1 AP.  The engineer unit can move into a city are rebuild it, but may not rebuild a city and move.

B.                 SUPPLY

1.                  Check Supply. When your military units are in combat, they consume more supplies, ammunition and utilities than normal. It is therefore necessary that every unit be able maintain a source of supply line when in the field. Each ARMY or BATTLEGROUP is considered out of supply if it is not located within three (3) hexes of a Supply Center or Baggage unit.  Units Not in Supply suffer a -2 battle modifier.

2.                  Baggage. Baggage units may be purchased for $100 per strength point. Baggage units may accompany an Army or Battlegroup to provide a point of supply during an advance.  An ARMY or BATTLEGROUP in the same hex as the Baggage unit is treated as if it is located at a supply center for supply and attrition. However, a Baggage unit will not allow depleted BGs to recover any step reductions.  Any time an Army or Battlegroup draws on the Baggage unit for supply, the Baggage's strength is reduced by 1.  Once the Baggage reaches strength 0, it is removed from play.  Baggage units move with the army but do not count towards stacking or hex side limits.  Any Army or Battlegroup with Baggage that is defeated in battle has its Baggage captured by the enemy.  An Army or Battlegroup with Baggage that razes a city or town may add the resource value of the town or city to the strength of the Baggage.

3.                  Winter Supply.  Maintaining supply lines in winter is more difficult, therefore, BGs are only in supply during a Winter turn if they are located at a Supply Center, or they have a Baggage Unit present.  Any Baggage Unit which is used to maintain supply in a Winter turn is "used up" and removed from play.

C.                RESOURCE POINTS

1.                  Resource Points (RP).  RP are collected each turn based on the number of cities and towns controlled.  Each player receives one (1) Resource Point per Town, five (5) Resource Points for each City, and ten (10) Resource Points for your Capital City.  Nomad Camps are worth four (4) RP each.  Resource Points can be converted Action Points or cash. 

2.                  RP may be converted a rate of:

(a)                1 AP per 1 RP

(b)               $10 per 1 RP

3.                  Resource Points and Action Points may not be banked.  Any unused RP or AP is forfeited at the end of the turn. 

4.                  Cash may be banked.  Your Bank is kept at your Capital.  If your Capital is captured, your entire Bank goes to the player who captures your Capital. 

5.                  Cash and Resource Points may be exchanged between players.

D.                ACTION POINTS

1.                  Action points are spent to move Battlegroups and Armies.  It costs 1 AP to move 1 Battlegroup.  Armies cost 2, 3 or 5 AP to move depending on the HQ/General type.

2.                  Action Points may be spent to recover depleted strength points.  Any Battlegroup may spend the entire turn stationary at any supply center recovering.  The Battlegroup recovers one (1) strength point per AP spent.

3.                  Action Points must be used.  Unspent Action Points are lost.  AP cannot be saved.

E.                 REINFORCEMENTS

(a)                Income each turn is in RP.  These can be exchange for money at a rate of $10 per 1 RP.

(b)               Reinforcements may be purchased at any time.

(c)                All new BATTLEGROUPS are immediately placed in a Home City.

F.                 MERCENARIES

1.                  Mercenaries may be purchased in any turn and are placed in any controlled city.  Once purchased all mercenary BGs must be paid every turn otherwise any mercenary BG which is not paid is immediately removed from play.

A.                BATTLES

1.                  When Battle Occurs. Battle occurs only when two or more enemy Armies occupy the same space.

2.                  Battle mechanics.  Add Combat Value of all BATTLEGROUPS involved from each side and compare to get a battle ratio attacker:defender.  The ratio is shifted up or down based on the net battle modifiers.  Two six sided dice are rolled and compare the result on the appropriate chart.  The attacker occupies the space only if the defender retreats.  Losses are taken in Step Losses for each unit involved in the combat.  Result of 5% / 10%R means Defender inflicts 5% of its total Combat Value as step losses on the Attacker, and the Attacker inflicts 10% of its total Combat Value as step losses on the Defender and Defender Retreats.  The minimum damage inflicted is always 1 step loss unless the result is ( - ).

3.                  Battle Modifiers.

+1-5                Army Morale average morale of all BGs, rounded up.
+?                   HQ/General's modifier
+1                   Scout Advantage
+1                   Defending a walled city or town
+1                   Battle Fury Modifier
+2                   Defending a Castle
+/-1                 Poison Gas (roll 1 die: 1-3 +1; 4-5 no effect; 6 -1)
-1                    Failed Terror Check
-1 to -3           Overstacking
-2                    Attacking/Defending when traveling on a Road
-2                    Out of supply

3.                  Pursuit.  The victorious army can pursue the defeated army and inflict additional losses.  Only Cavalry and Air units may engage in Pursuit.

4.                  Retreats. Combat Units retreat only into Friendly or Neutral spaces free of enemy forces, and never into an existing Battle area. The Attacker can only retreat via the side(s) used to attack the space. The Defender may not retreat through sides that were used by the Attacker to enter the hex. If both players use the same side, neither may retreat via this side.

5.                  Death of a General.  Every HQ/General participating in the battle on the losing side rolls a die.  On a roll of a "1" the General was killed in the battle.  If the ARMY was unable to retreat or was eliminated by casualties, any HQ/General that is not killed is captured.

1.                  LAND BATTLE

(a)                Add Combat Value of all BATTLEGROUPS involved from each side and compare to get a battle ratio attacker:defender.  The ratio is shifted up or down based on the net battle modifiers.  Two six sided dice are rolled and compare the result on the appropriate chart.  The attacker occupies the space only if the defender retreats.  Losses are taken in Step Losses for each unit involved in the combat.  Result of 5% / 10%R means Defender inflicts 5% of its total Combat Value as step losses on the Attacker, and the Attacker inflicts 10% of its total Combat Value as step losses on the Defender and Defender Retreats.  The minimum damage inflicted is always 1 step loss unless the result is (-).

(b)               Pursuit.  Roll one die for each Cavalry and Flyer Attack Value point.  A "hit" is scored inflicting 1 step loss for each 6 and each pair of 5s rolled.

2.                  SEA BATTLE

(a)                Determine whether battle occurs.  Any fleet at sea must have Intercept or Evade orders.  Any time enemy fleets enter the same Sea Region a Sea Battle may occur.  If both fleets have Intercept orders battle occurs.  If both fleets have Evade orders no battle occurs.  If one fleet has Intercept and the other Evade each fleet rolls 1 die.  If a Navigator is present, add 1 to the roll.  If the Intercepting Fleet rolls higher battle occurs.  If the Evading fleet rolls higher then there is no battle.
Add Combat Value of all SHIP BATTLEGROUPS AND HALF THE VALUE OF ALL TRANSPORTED BATTLEGROUPS involved from each side and compare to get a battle ratio attacker:defender.  The ratio is shifted up or down based on the net battle modifiers.  Two six sided dice are rolled and compare the result on the appropriate chart.  The attacker occupies the space only if the defender retreats.  Losses are taken in Step Losses for each unit involved in the combat.  Result of 5% / 10%R means Defender inflicts 5% of its total Combat Value as step losses on the Attacker, and the Attacker inflicts 10% of its total Combat Value as step losses on the Defender and Defender Retreats.  The minimum damage inflicted is always 1 step loss unless the result is (-).

3.                  SEIGE

All Walled Cities, Walled Towns and Castles must be captured by Siege.  You may conduct two types of Sieges.  A Siege of Attrition or Siege Assault.  In a Siege of Attrition the Walled City, Town or Castle is surrounded and subjected to a prolonged siege intended to starve and wear the defenders down to submission.  In a Siege Assault, the city, town or castle is taken by storm.

(a)                Siege of Attrition.  In order to conduct a Siege of Attrition you must have at least 24 BGs if the target is a Walled Capital City; 12 BGs are needed if the target is a Walled City; 6 BGs are needed for a Walled Town or Castle.  When you start the siege you must state whether you are conducting a Full Siege or a Partial Siege (a Full Siege is the default).  If you are conducting a Full Siege and are attacked by a relieving force, only half of your forces may defend.  If conducting a Partial Siege all of your forces may defend if attacked by a relieving force.  For each turn of the Siege the Attacker rolls 1 die for each BG.  On a roll of a 1 (1-2 in Winter) the BG sustains 1 step loss.  The Defender rolls 1 die for each BG.  On a roll of 1-2 (1-3 in Winter) the BG sustains 1 step loss.  Subtract one from your rolls if the enemy has Engineer Advantage.  Subtract one from your rolls if the enemy has Artillery Advantage (>artillery CV).

# BGs to maintain Siege
(Count full number of BGs if a Full Siege; Count ½ number of BGs if Partial Siege)
≥24 BGs
Walled Capital City
≥12 BGs
Walled City
≥6 BGs
Walled Town or Castle

Siege Attrition (roll 1 die per BG engaged in the siege)
Attacker Attrition
Defender Attrition

Each BG which fails its roll sustains one step loss.

-1 to all rolls if the enemy has an engineer advantage
-1 to all rolls if the enemy has an artillery advantage

e.g. Summer siege of attrition.  The attacker has an engineer.  The defender does not have an engineer, but has artillery.  The attacker has engineer advantage, the defender has artillery advantage.  Roll one die for each attacking BG, on a 1 or 2, the BG sustains one step loss.  Roll one die for each defending BG, on a 1, 2 or 3, the BG sustains one step loss.

(b)               Siege Assault.  Unlike a Siege of Attrition, there is no minimum number of BGs needed to assault.  Add Combat Value of all BATTLEGROUPS involved from each side and compare to get a battle ratio attacker:defender.  The ratio is shifted up or down based on the net battle modifiers.  Two six sided dice are rolled and compare the result on the appropriate chart.  The attacker occupies the space only if the defender retreats.  Losses are taken in Step Losses for each unit involved in the combat.  Result of 5% / 10%R means Defender inflicts 5% of its total Combat Value as step losses on the Attacker, and the Attacker inflicts 10% of its total Combat Value as step losses on the Defender and Defender Retreats.  The minimum damage inflicted is always 1 step loss unless the result is (-).

B.                 THE OTHERWORLD

The Otherworld is the Realm of Magic.  It is connected to the Mortal Realm by portals (standing stone symbol).  Portals are also Places of Power which grant the controlling player Mana.

Control of the Otherworld grants access to Places of Power which provide Mana to your Magicians.  Each Place of Power provides 1-7 Mana per turn.
The Otherworld Map

There are twelve (12) gates from the Mortal Realm to the Otherworld map.  The gates are all located in the outer ring of the Otherworld map.

            F1 – hex 1205 (near Tursas)
            F3 – hex 0212 (near Kazur)
            F5 – hex 2024 (Werewood)
            F7 – hex 2435 (Eldarin Forest)
            F9 – hex 0939 (near Timeaus)
            F11 – hex 0445 (near Oceanos)
            F13 – hex 3835 (The Crystal Palace)
            F15 – hex 2927 (The Bleakmoor)
            F17 – hex 3107 (Forest of Mourn)
            F19 – hex 3801 (near Samara)
            F21 – hex 4430 (Baersonging)
            F23 – hex 1429 (near Semerang)

The map symbol in the shape of a rectangle with a triangle in it represents the gates/portals to the Otherworld.  Each gate provides the controlling player 1 MANA.  To use a Gate you must have a magician.  A magician can open a Gate for a cost of 1 MANA and up to 12 BGs can cross (this is a change from the Rules).  To cross all of the BGs must start the turn in the same hex as the Gate.  So, the BGs start in the hex with the Gate, the magician opens the Gate for 1 MANA, the BGs cross over and can move to another gate in the Otherworld.  There they stop.  On the next turn, the magician can open the Gate and the BGs can cross back over to the Mortal Realm.  (Note that the Gate does not provide MANA in the Otherworld.)

There is no supply in the otherworld.  The building locations (which represent castles, or other mystical, mythical places) provide MANA equal to the number in that space.  These buildings do not provide supply,  So, you are out of supply when in the Otherworld, except if you bring baggage with you.

The structures in the Otherworld provide Mana, and they are structures such as castles or what ever you imagine might be in the otherworld.  If they are defended you must put them under siege or make an assault.

Locations of troops in the Otherworld will be reported on the intel reports.


Magic is generally personal and subtle and has little impact on the level of the game.  However, there are Magicians which have certain special abilities which can be employed.  Magicians' battle magic is built into their Attack and Defense Combat Values.  Magicians can also do the following:
1.                  Open Portals:  The Magician can open a portal allowing up to 12 BGs to pass between worlds at a cost of 1 Mana.  No more than 12 BGs can pass through a portal in any turn.
2.                  Ensorcelle the Beast: The Magician can attempt to gain control over the Beast.  The Magician must be in the same hex as the Beast.  For a cost of 5 Mana, roll one die.  On a 1-3 the Magician controls the Beast and you add it to your Battlegroups.  On a 4-6 the Beast eats the Magician.
3.                  Banish a Harbringer.  When facing a Harbringer, before battle, the Magician may attempt to banish the Harbringer from the Mortal Realm.  For a cost of 5 Mana, roll one die.  On a 1-3 the Harbringer is Banished and removed from play.  On a 4-6 the Magician is enslaved by the Harbringer and adds the Magician's Combat Values and Strength to its own.
4.                  Deflect Plague:  The Magician may reduce the number of step losses received by 1 step loss per Mana.
5.                  Turn the Kraken: The Magician may turn the Kraken away from any Fleet or Town for a cost of 5 Mana.
6.                  End the Fimblewinter:  The Magician may attempt to end the Fimblwinter for a cost of 5 Mana.  Roll one die, on a 1-3 Fimblwinter ends, on a 5-6 the Magician is turned into ice.
7.                  Lift Curse:  For 5 Mana the Magician may attempt to lift the curse (and remove the Fop characteristic) from any general.  Roll one die, on a 1-3 the curse is lifted (remove Fop), on a roll of 4-6 the curse is worsened and the general gains the Plodder characteristic.
Battle Fury:  The Magician may use the power of the Spirit World to aid an army in battle.  The Magician must be with the Army at the battle.  The Magician must spend at least 13 Mana to unleash the Battle Fury.  If both sides have Magicians present, the Magician who spends more Mana prevails and gets Battle Fury.  Battle Fury provides a +1 Battle Modifier.

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